Anne Li 6/17/17 Researchers at University of Pittsburgh School of medicine and UPMC have discovereda clue that could unlock the potential of immunotherapy drugs to successfully treat more cancers. The finding, published in Cell, were…...
Anne Li 6/9/17 A certain group of genetic faults could be used to help predict if immunotherapy will work in cancer patients, according to a new US study. The research from…...
Anne Li 6/9/17 Using two immunotherapy drugs together could help treat some patients with an aggressive form of breast cancer, according to an Australian study. Researchers at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre…...
Anne LI 6/9/17 A combination of two immunotherapy drugs is safe to give to patients with melanoma, a type of skin cancer, that has spread to the brain, and could help control the disease. Melanomas that…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 While studying the underpinnings of multiple sclerosis, investigators came across important clues for how to treat a very different disease: cancer. Researchers describe an antibody that can precisely target regulatory…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 This week, Cancer Research UK's News Digest gives us updates on Zika virus, sunscreen, immunotherapy drugs, smoking, obesity, 3D printing, bowel cancer, and finally….. breast milk? This week's number is 5,…...